Trace 19th Century Immigrant Back To Luxembourg
Client’s Luxembourg great-grandfather immigrated to Iowa sometime soon after the Civil War. His death record, obituary, or naturalization papers do not list his exact place of birth nor the names of his parents. Using indirect evidence, I was able to connect the Iowa Luxembourg-American with the correct nineteenth-century family in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.
Find All Previous Residents Of A Late 19th Century House In Baltimore
The new owners of a home in the historic Bolton Hill neighborhood wanted to know who had previously lived in their house. Using census records, newspaper articles, and city directories, I compiled a list of the nine previous owners of the house, and the twenty-three families that had made it their home between 1885 and the present.
Find The Father Of An Illegitimate Child Born In A Small Pennsylvania Town In 1895
Client’s great-grandfather was named after his father, but never met him. His birth certificate lists the wrong man, and his mother never talked about the individual. Correlating evidence from city directories, census, court, and newspaper records, I was able find the scoundrel who deserted her great-grandmother 120 years ago.
Trace 20th Century Immigrant Back To Ireland In Preparation For A Visit To Ireland
The client’s grandparents immigrated to the United States in the 1920s. Using census, vital, and immigration records I was able to trace both grandparents to their native towns in Ireland and trace their ancestors in Ireland two to three generations back. When client visited Ireland that summer, he was able to visit his ancestral home town and connect with some living relatives on the other side of the pond.
Consultation On Early 19th Century Massachusetts Family
Client wanted help finding out who the parents were of two of his ancestors. I gathered information from derivative sources in online databases that allowed some preliminary conclusions. Next steps were outlined on how client could obtain original documents and proceed with further research.
Verify A Family Story
I was hired to verify a family story and identify the deceased ancestors’ parents and grandparents, as well as provide more information about the ancestor’s life (where did he grow up, work, and live?).
Transcribe And Translate Dutch Vital Records
Client needed help transcribing and translating birth, marriage and death records from the nineteenth century.